With the Lord as my anchor, I am learning the tides of life!

Hebrews 6:19

Monday, August 31, 2015

Isaac Weekly Update: Week 38

This week began with us driving up to Roseville to our new home!! Isaac did great and he enjoyed crawling around the near empty home as we moved stuff in. Thankfully, my cousins (Dana and Kerry) live within walking distance so they came over and helped us by taking turns watching Isaac and moving our things in from the U-Haul- they were SO MUCH HELP! Thank you Dana and Kerry! We are so blessed to get a home for rent so close to them.

The next day Jake set up Isaac's new sleeping quarters- a crib. It's a little funny to think that Isaac is 8 months old and is just now moving to a crib from his pack-n-play! We got a lot of use out of it that's for sure! I for one am particularly excited about Isaac being in a crib so I don't have to reach down as far to pick him up. Especially with all the moving, my back is reassuring me that getting a crib was a great idea.

Isaac adjusted to the crib without any problems (YAY)! He did get some practice when we were traveling in Michigan, but still I was very thankful that this was an easy transition for him.

Isaac is enjoying the unpacking process... There are more things to explore and climb on. My favorite was when he found Belly's dog food.

Maybe he wanted some fiber? (name that movie!)

Here's one more video taken at the end of the week. Isaac is realizing how handy crawling can be. :)

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