This video was taken in the morning at our hotel in Richfield, UT.
On the 5th (Wednesday) I picked Jake up from Grand Junction airport and then on the 6th we drove to Boulder to visit Kate (Jake's sister). Isaac didn’t do great when we were in Boulder. He seemed to cry a little more and sleeping was so so. It was still a fun time and great meeting up with Auntie Kate!
NAPS. Naps are huge with this kid. If he gets them he’s an utter delight and usually sleeps great at night. If he doesn’t get them, my day is a mix of sporadic ups and downs and prayers for a better day.
I’ve started blending a lot of his food, more for ease than anything else. I still try to stay away from “baby food,” just because I have a weird thing against it. I did get a couple jars while on our trip and used them more as a mixing agent. They seem pretty harmless, as the ingredients are just what you would hope- pear blended. But I still prefer to make his food and blend his food myself. I think there is some pride in it… Some main mixes are chicken and sweet potato and maybe some peach or prunes (the prunes are the main ones that I get that are baby food).
Still working on his crawling. He pretty much does it, but not with gusto, so it’s hard to claim the milestone.
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