With the Lord as my anchor, I am learning the tides of life!

Hebrews 6:19

Monday, August 17, 2015

Isaac Weekly Update: Week 36

The traveling continues! This week started in Grand Junction and ended back in Roseville and then Fallen Leaf Lake. Isaac has been quite the trooper. He travels well, but doesn’t get his full naps when we are driving, which is a bummer. I look forward to us getting home and reestablishing a routine. However, since we are trying to move into our new home, I am not confident we will really be able to establish a routine until we are all moved in and living continually in Roseville. So it looks like we have a bit of a road before us.

I love all of the sounds this boy makes; he’s like a little monster. He loves to pull himself up to standing and he loves to hit things with his hands. He gets really excited when we hit next to his hand in a rhythmic fashion. Maybe he'll be a drummer! ;)

We listen to a lot of music when we travel- mainly Music Together and then a mix of Tom Chapin, Barenaked Ladies, Psalty, Rosenshontz and a few other child music artists. It’s fun to find new kid music, but it also seems to get old pretty fast. I also made a Disney mix which is a lot of fun to listen to. I gave a copy to Ashlie and Kate and I think everyone’s favorite song (including Isaac) is “I’ll Make a Man Out of You” from Mulan. hehe, fun.

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