With the Lord as my anchor, I am learning the tides of life!

Hebrews 6:19

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Love Your Spouse Challenge, Day 7

Day 7 (Final Post)

For my final picture of the love your spouse challenge, I chose our first family picture with Isaac. I chose this pic partly because we’re going to be doing this again in just a little over a month! There is a lot that a stressful situation can reveal about a person and there are few things that are more stressful than labor! Jake was a fantastic partner during my labor with Isaac. He was calm, loving, supportive and completely selfless (much how he’s been throughout our relationship). Thank you, Jake, for giving me reasons to respect and honor marriage. There is no one I would rather be in this covenant with. And as we prepare to have our second child, I am confident it will be a positive experience just because I know you’ll be at my side. ::kiss kiss::

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Love Your Spouse Challenge, Day 6

Day 6

This picture is from our baby monitor and I love it. I had already been in to console our crying child with no luck, so I sent Jake in. I didn't hear any crying and so I looked at the baby monitor to find Jake siting on the floor, playing his guitar, while Isaac quietly listened. Jake is the sweetest dad (as anyone who knows Jake can imagine) and Isaac adores him. I love embarking on this parenting journey with him!

Friday, July 22, 2016

Love Your Spouse Challenge, Day 5

Day 5

In this picture, Isaac was one month old and Jake and I FINALLY got out for some time by ourselves while my parents watched him. Naturally, we didn't have enough time to go to a movie or do much else, so we ended up driving to Avila Beach (only 15 minutes away) and grabbing a beverage from one of the only little shops open (hence the classy lime-a-rita) and spent time just hanging out in the car, with the windows rolled down, listening to the ocean. And of course, we spent pretty much the entire time talking about Isaac and making up little jingles for him on our phone. It was simple and short, but completely perfect. I love any time I get with my husband.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

Love Your Spouse Challenge, Day 4

Day 4

The day two became one. I loved our wedding day and our adventurous honeymoon afterward. Just the other day I quoted part of Jake's vows to me in order to in an argument. ;) but in all seriousness, having the opportunity to commit to each other and make those vows in front of family and friends was powerful and wonderful. I appreciate marriage for the love and more so for the struggles that end up binding us in a type of love that I could have never understood before. I look forward to growing in an even deeper love with Jake through the rest of our lives. This day was only the beginning!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Love Your Spouse Challenge, Day 3

Day 3

This picture was taken right before Jake proposed. Of course, his proposal was fantastic, but the main reason I wanted to share this picture is because there is no one I would trust more to fly me around in a plane (or drive me in a car or drive a boat, for that matter). Jake is so good at what he does and so humble about his skills. He takes great care of his family by bringing in the dough so I can be a stay at home mom.

Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Love Your Spouse Challenge

Yesterday, I was given a challenge on Facebook to post a picture of my spouse for 7 days to celebrate love and honor marriage. I thought I would post on here as well, since I know some people aren't on Facebook and I'm excited to do it because talking positively is always refreshing to write and read.

Day 1: This first picture is a selfie of Jake and I during my first visit to his parent's in Moran, MI. We had just started dating and after traveling stand by to Michigan with him and watching him with his parents, siblings and pets, I realized how much I liked him and wanted to be in a relationship with him.

Day 2: This picture is from when I was first living in Grand Junction, CO, starting my LPN program. Jake has always been super supportive of whatever I'm doing and visited me often even though he was living in San Luis Obispo, CA. I also chose this picture because Annabel is in it and since she was my first born, Jake has always made extra space in his heart for her too. :)

Friday, July 8, 2016

Pregnancy #2 and family Photos!

About a month ago, Jake, Isaac, and I visited my friend, Renee, in Alameda. While there, Renee was gracious enough to take a few photos of us as a family and then of me with my baby bump. After the family photos Jake left with Isaac and I hung out with Renee and our good friend, Stephanie. I have been best friends with these girls since 1993 (Renee even longer) and it is ALWAYS fun and full of laughter whenever we get together. Here are some of my favorites from the session...

The "goddess" pose!

Lastly, I got Renee and Stephanie to do a "hands heart" with me

I love these women. This is what long lasting friendship looks like!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Thank you, Dee and Ron!!

I LOVE homemade gifts and admire those who take the time to produce them. Before Isaac was born, I had a baby shower and some of his and my favorite gifts from the shower were the ones that either my Sweet Adeline friends or my work friends had made. Then yesterday, Isaac was blessed with yet another awesome homemade gift from his first cousin, twice removed (but for simplicity sake), his Great Aunt, Dee. :)

We got the package while we were finishing lunch. The first item I pulled out were 6 cars. Isaac loves cars and as soon as he saw them he got excited, so I opened the truck and let him hold it.

Then I took out the next gift- a quilted play mat with a carrying pouch!

I, of course, loved the play mat immediately and I was a little surprised how much Isaac enjoyed it too! He went straight to it and started to push his new truck around, saying, "Vroom vroom!"

And lastly, Dee made Ike a bedtime quilt!

I still am not sure who was more excited about the gifts- me or Ike. It's pretty close... :) THANKS again to Dee and Ron! Isaac is truly a very loved little boy.

Sunday, July 3, 2016


It seems like Isaac has been hitting all sorts of milestones within this last week. Verbally, he's been recalling more words and when we say, "You did it!" he responds with, "I did it!" so cute. In this video, he is climbing in and out of the wagon all the while (of course) holding his car...

Physically, Isaac has begun climbing up on furniture. He started with the couch...

And then after dropping Jake off at the airport, I left Isaac in the kitchen while I went to the bathroom. When I got back, this is how I found him...


Thankfully, Ike is fairly cautious, so if he climbs up on the chair and the table is not near by, he fusses and waits for me to come over to help him down.

Isaac has also begun building! Sometimes he gets upset when it falls down, but he's getting better and better! Funny how these interests seem to suddenly appear!

For quite awhile he has LOVED his airplane, but would only push or pull it, never sit and ride it. Today he finally decided to sit and push himself! (it's the little things you notice as a mom ;) )

He loves drinking from a straw and I found this cup on sale so it's a win/win!

This isn't a milestone, but a typical Isaac move- he LOVES throwing balls (or really anything) and enjoys swinging sticks. This was one of the "sticks" he found near our fence...

This smile soon left, as sticks are not allowed in the house, and really shouldn't be allowed period, but I probably will become more serious about that once he hurts himself. :/

This last video is just a quick simple one. I asked Isaac to give me a kiss and he did it! Naturally, I got out my phone to see if he would do it again so I could send it to Jake and he did! So precious. love my little boy.