With the Lord as my anchor, I am learning the tides of life!

Hebrews 6:19

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving Visit

There was talk that Jake, Isaac and I would be in Florida for Thanksgiving since he had training down there. However, with the stress of traveling and the attention that training would require of Jake, Isaac and I stayed back. With this new development, Isaac and I were able to drive to San Luis Obispo to spend the holiday with my parents. Thankfully, Jake was able to take an early flight on Thursday and made it to SLO by noon! Pretty lucky. Then on Friday my parents watched Ike so Jake and I could get some time alone. We went to Nautical Bean (a favorite coffee shop) and then drove out to Port San Luis to watch the sunset over the ocean. Such a beautiful and peaceful place.

My parents had a fabulous time playing with Ike and naturally he enjoyed himself too. He made circles on their floor, played with the popper and rang my mom's bell (a trophy bell she got for running a 5k back in the day). That bell is definitely the most multifunctional trophy. I remember enjoying playing with it when I was a kid.

Anyway, as always, the weather did not disappoint and even though our Thanksgiving meal was low key, it was nice to have it with family.

I didn't get any pictures, but I also got to see my sister and her family as they passed through on their way to San Diego for Thanksgiving. Jake and I also visited with Travis and Kate and played Spontuneous with the girls. :) 

Lovely time and the drive back wasn't too bad either. Here's a little video of our time with the Hasson Grandparents. :) wonderful memories made.

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