With the Lord as my anchor, I am learning the tides of life!

Hebrews 6:19

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Stroller Strides

Yesterday I attended my first Stroller Strides group. Stroller Strides is a part of a larger organization called "FIT4MOM." They have four main programs: Fit4Baby (pregnant moms), Stroller Strides, Stroller Barre and Body Back and they are nationwide! Pretty cool.

These pictures are from the internet, but this is pretty much what it looks like: a bunch of moms with their strollers, either in a line or circle, walking, running or doing lunges. At one point, while we were working on our triceps, the instructor read a short book to our kiddos. Then later, we did a couple burpees and ran around a skate park while the instructor blew bubbles around the kids. So much fun! It was really fun to exercise and be with other moms. Plus, I feel a good sore today, which is awesome. The only downside is that my back has been bothering me (again) and some of the sharp squat jumps hurt it more. :( I am excited to become part of the Stroller Strides group, but for the next couple weeks I will be focusing on yoga since that's what helped my back out last time it got bad.

It's exciting to find groups that I can do with Isaac and I love exercising so it's a win win. And even though the yoga is not with Ike, it is still something I really enjoy since it ends up being me time and many times meditative (very good for my overall health). Overall, success! Wish me luck!

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