With the Lord as my anchor, I am learning the tides of life!

Hebrews 6:19

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Week 31 / 7 Months Old!

Yesterday marked Isaac's 31st week of being outside of the womb! :) During week 31 Isaac turned 7 months old!

He has his 8 teeth and is liking food more and more. He sits in his Summer Infant Support-Me 3-in-1 Positioner, Feeding seat and booster (a favorite item of mine). It's a super handy, easy to move chair for him to sit and eat in. His favorite food this week was my mom's lentil soup. He also likes chicken and continues to love Cheerios. I considered trying the "baby led weaning," but got nervous about him choking, especially since he has so many teeth! He's just able to bite off big chunks, so that makes it a little more scary to have him feed himself bigger pieces of food.

Isaac sits up really well now and is able to sit and play with toys easily and often goes into the tripod pose in attempts to move, but no actual forward movement; if anything, I find him pushing himself backwards.

We traveled again this week to Roseville and Ike did really well up until the last hour and a half. We desperately searched for a song or a toy to help calm him (sleep really was the answer as it was his bedtime). "The Crow Song" from Music Together and "I'll Make A Man Out Of You" from Mulan momentarily stopped the crying along with his indestructible book and elephant. However, stopping and taking him out, feeding him and getting back on the road ended up being the real remedy. Even with that hiccup, I still claim that Ike is a good traveler. :)

He still sleeps in the bassinet part of our pack-n-play, but now he can flip onto his stomach and is beginning to pull himself up once in a while, so that probably won't stay for much longer.

We also went to the beach for the first time this week. Sadly, little Ike got his ankles bit by (I think) a bunch of tiny sand fleas. It didn't hurt him, but it looked terrible! :( The waves didn't seem to phase him much. I want to take him again sometime, but I will be on high alert for those little pests!

And I will leave you with a video of Isaac enjoying his lentil soup...

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