Because of all of this activity, Isaac earned himself a night without the bassinet piece to the pack-n-play. The bassinet part was really a benefit for me so I didn't have to bend down as far, but now it's become a safety issue. It may be time to purchase an actual crib...
Isaac usually takes three naps a day, usually around an hour each, though his morning one sometimes is one and a half. A couple days this week he took two, with the afternoon nap being 2 1/2 hours! Wow! Go kid go! The best part is afterward he is so happy and obviously well rested. When he does his three short naps a day, usually he wakes up from his afternoon one yawning and clearly still tired. I’m not sure how to encourage him to sleep longer! Hopefully he'll just do it. :)
Ike continues to eat like a champ. Foods to date are:
Avocado | Carrots | Oatmeal |
Peach Sauce | Lentil Soup | Cheerios |
Applesauce | Turkey | Cream of Wheat |
Chicken | Egg Yolk | Green Beans |
Yams | Banana | Pea Soup |
Favorites are probably peach sauce, applesauce, chicken, lentils and cheerios
With the increase of solid foods we now have a very obvious increase of solid poops! The other day Jake changed Ike's diaper and said, "His poop smells weird." I told him that the fact that he knows that Isaac has a "normal" poop smell shows that he is truly a father. When Isaac was strictly breastfed he pooped about once every 3 days. Now he poops around three times a day! We are still using cloth (though we use disposable every so often) and thankfully the poop usually comes off the cloth pretty easily.
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