With the Lord as my anchor, I am learning the tides of life!

Hebrews 6:19

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Isaac Weekly Update: Week 32

Isaac's been practicing his plank move this week. Just over the last couple days he has been getting more and more antsy to get moving. He wiggles around quite a bit and is able to move, but rarely forward. He usually pulls himself around on his stomach or pushes himself backwards.

This is him at bedtime pushing against the side with his feet- he did not want to sleep!
Because of all of this activity, Isaac earned himself a night without the bassinet piece to the pack-n-play. The bassinet part was really a benefit for me so I didn't have to bend down as far, but now it's become a safety issue. It may be time to purchase an actual crib...

Isaac usually takes three naps a day, usually around an hour each, though his morning one sometimes is one and a half. A couple days this week he took two, with the afternoon nap being 2 1/2 hours! Wow! Go kid go! The best part is afterward he is so happy and obviously well rested. When he does his three short naps a day, usually he wakes up from his afternoon one yawning and clearly still tired. I’m not sure how to encourage him to sleep longer! Hopefully he'll just do it. :)

Ike continues to eat like a champ. Foods to date are:
Avocado Carrots Oatmeal
Peach Sauce Lentil Soup Cheerios
Applesauce Turkey Cream of Wheat
Chicken Egg Yolk Green Beans
Yams Banana Pea Soup

Favorites are probably peach sauce, applesauce, chicken, lentils and cheerios

With the increase of solid foods we now have a very obvious increase of solid poops! The other day Jake changed Ike's diaper and said, "His poop smells weird." I told him that the fact that he knows that Isaac has a "normal" poop smell shows that he is truly a father. When Isaac was strictly breastfed he pooped about once every 3 days. Now he poops around three times a day! We are still using cloth (though we use disposable every so often) and thankfully the poop usually comes off the cloth pretty easily. 

Pooping, eating, naps and developmental milestones. This really is what life with a baby is all about and it's amazing how much thought and effort can go into these things! Overall, I love it. I mean, look at that face! How could I not?!

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