With the Lord as my anchor, I am learning the tides of life!

Hebrews 6:19

Sunday, July 3, 2016


It seems like Isaac has been hitting all sorts of milestones within this last week. Verbally, he's been recalling more words and when we say, "You did it!" he responds with, "I did it!" so cute. In this video, he is climbing in and out of the wagon all the while (of course) holding his car...

Physically, Isaac has begun climbing up on furniture. He started with the couch...

And then after dropping Jake off at the airport, I left Isaac in the kitchen while I went to the bathroom. When I got back, this is how I found him...


Thankfully, Ike is fairly cautious, so if he climbs up on the chair and the table is not near by, he fusses and waits for me to come over to help him down.

Isaac has also begun building! Sometimes he gets upset when it falls down, but he's getting better and better! Funny how these interests seem to suddenly appear!

For quite awhile he has LOVED his airplane, but would only push or pull it, never sit and ride it. Today he finally decided to sit and push himself! (it's the little things you notice as a mom ;) )

He loves drinking from a straw and I found this cup on sale so it's a win/win!

This isn't a milestone, but a typical Isaac move- he LOVES throwing balls (or really anything) and enjoys swinging sticks. This was one of the "sticks" he found near our fence...

This smile soon left, as sticks are not allowed in the house, and really shouldn't be allowed period, but I probably will become more serious about that once he hurts himself. :/

This last video is just a quick simple one. I asked Isaac to give me a kiss and he did it! Naturally, I got out my phone to see if he would do it again so I could send it to Jake and he did! So precious. love my little boy.

1 comment:

  1. Super Cute! Love to hear you! :) Love that new car track quilt from Dee & Ron too :)! Hey Ike, what did you name your horse? :)<3
