With the Lord as my anchor, I am learning the tides of life!

Hebrews 6:19

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Some DIY Recipes

Doing it Yourself

I am not a crafty person. Doing "arts and crafts" pretty much lost my interest after preschool, as my perfectionist nature does not handle being crafty very well. However, there are some activities that allow my right brain to let loose, such as music, cooking and some do-it-yourself recipes. I decided to do a little post on some of them because I need a central place to find the recipes when it comes time for me to make them again!


This first recipe and video is from my sister-in-law, Kate Hasson. This deodorant is cheap, easy and safe. The only real downside is that there is no anti-perspirant; so if you're looking not to sweat, keep looking. When I am going out with people I usually stick to good ol' Secret because I hate sweaty armpits in public. However, there are many days when I'm just at home or I'm going out to exercise and I don't want to not sweat, but I don't want to stink and in those situations (which are many!) I appreciate using this deodorant! Thanks Kate!

                                                                             1/4 cup cornstarch
                                                                             1/4 cup baking soda
                                                                             1/4 cup coconut oil
                                                                             10 drops essential oil 
(good oils for deodorizing: geranium, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, lime, melaleuca (tea tree), thyme)

Hand Sanitizer

5-10 drops rosemary, sage, sandalwood, peppermint, or lavender
30 drops tea tree oil
1/4 tsp vitamin E oil (natural preservative to increase shelf life)
1 Tbsp witch hazel or high-proof vodka
8 ounces 100% pure aloe vera gel

Add essential oils and Vitamin E oil to a small glass bowl or container and swirl to mix. Add witch hazel (or alcohol) to the oils and swirl again. Add this mixture to the aloe vera gel and mix well. Shake gently before each use. (Sanitizer should last several months with the addition of Vitamin E to help preserve.)
This recipe I got from a website: http://www.diynatural.com/homemade-hand-sanitizer/

I like it a lot. I use it most when we are on the go or after I change Isaac and I am not able to leave him to wash my hands. Not as drying as commercial hand sanitizer and smells nice!

Yoga Mat Spray

1 cup distilled water
1/4 cup witch hazel (without alcohol) or white vinegar
15 drops Melaleuca (tea tree) oil. FYI Melaleuca has been documented to kill many bacteria, viruses, and fungi on contact. pretty cool!
10 drops of another essential oil of choice. (Lavender, Eucalyptus and Lemongrass essential oils also contain antibacterial properties)
Spray bottle. Glass is preferred, since some essential oils can start to degrade plastic if left for too long.

Mix together all of the above ingredients and pour into spray bottle of choice (any extra can be stored). Place the top on the spray bottle and shake to combine the ingredients. Shake the bottle before each use.

That's all I'm going to do for now. I have a few oil blends that I like for Isaac, but I'll mention those another time. Hopefully others will find these recipes as helpful as I do!

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