With the Lord as my anchor, I am learning the tides of life!

Hebrews 6:19

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Isaac Weekly Update: Week 40

This week Isaac turned 9 months old. He has now been in the outside world longer than he was in the womb! :) He remains our bundle of fun.

Isaac has become more weary of strangers and holds onto me more when we meet new people or when I'm trying to put him down for a nap.

He is also getting better at standing and is able to transfer himself from one chair to another while standing. He's not taking a lot of steps, more pivoting, but it's progress! When he's not trying to get into the bathroom, he is either trying to get to Jake's guitar or the animal's water dish. We desperately need a baby gate for this child! He is simply too mobile. 

He still likes his bouncer, which has been a saving grace for when I need to go to the bathroom or get ready to go somewhere. He is never very pleased when I place him in it, but he quickly remembers how fun it is. :)

He enjoys making noises and laughs a lot at the different sounds he makes. Overall he is a patient little guy. There are many times when I am trying to get food together or am doing something with the pets and he sits patiently in his seat at the table. There are times when he vocalizes that he's ready for food, but there are more times when I am amazed and thankful at how good he is at waiting.

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