With the Lord as my anchor, I am learning the tides of life!

Hebrews 6:19

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Roast Chicken

The main events in my day are cooking, walking, feeding Isaac and simply hanging out with Isaac. Today was no different. Yesterday I got a new roasting pan and it's a little goofy how excited I am about it. I recently saw a recipe for a roast chicken and tried my hand at it and it was delicious! What was even more exciting was how good the vegetables were that I roasted with it. 

The recipe called for fennel, which made me nervous since it smells like anise (not my favorite), but roasted it was very tasty! I love it when trying something new ends positively. I also made some white bean and roasted eggplant hummus which also turned out yummy and lastly, I made some pecan bars (YUM!). 

After Isaac went to sleep my mom and I shared some coffee and one of the bars. mmmm...

Isaac was mostly pleasant today, but started to fall apart around 7pm. Here are a couple pictures of the little man:


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