With the Lord as my anchor, I am learning the tides of life!

Hebrews 6:19

Monday, June 15, 2015

Mom Fail.

Every night when I put Isaac to sleep, I pray that he comes to know his savior, Jesus Christ, that he feels the love of God and of Jake and me and that God gives Jake and I mercy for the mistakes we make as parents. Today I needed that mercy. It was an accident, but I still felt a "bad mom" moment. Today Isaac hurt himself- a full on face-plant. The main reason I feel it deserves my first "mom fail" is because it drew blood. The worst part is that I was watching him and had him positioned so that if he should fall over he would land on the bathtub rug/mat, but gravity worked diagonally and suddenly Ike fell to the floor and smacked his sweet face. I picked him up and cuddled him. Then I took him outside since he loves the plants and he quickly quieted down. Then I noticed his lip.

I really blame the little cut lip on his top two teeth. Either way I felt like I failed him. There was also a time today when I realized he hadn't been changed in awhile and found he was in a soaked diaper. What makes me feel worse is that earlier today Jake was half way home when he got asked to do  a "junior man" trip (meaning a trip that he would get paid double for). Since we'll be traveling this month, we decided it would be best for him to take the trip and come home late tomorrow. So he got on the next flight back to Las Vegas from Phoenix to work. So here we are, Jake: the hard working husband, bringing home the bacon and then there's me: the mom who's injuring their son. Oy vey. Tonight's prayer included the words, "Thank you Lord that your mercies are new every morning" (Lamentations 3:22-23). It also helps that Isaac has been happy, smiley and fun all day. I hope he's this forgiving when he's older!

Some other pictures from today:

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