With the Lord as my anchor, I am learning the tides of life!

Hebrews 6:19

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Roast Chicken

The main events in my day are cooking, walking, feeding Isaac and simply hanging out with Isaac. Today was no different. Yesterday I got a new roasting pan and it's a little goofy how excited I am about it. I recently saw a recipe for a roast chicken and tried my hand at it and it was delicious! What was even more exciting was how good the vegetables were that I roasted with it. 

The recipe called for fennel, which made me nervous since it smells like anise (not my favorite), but roasted it was very tasty! I love it when trying something new ends positively. I also made some white bean and roasted eggplant hummus which also turned out yummy and lastly, I made some pecan bars (YUM!). 

After Isaac went to sleep my mom and I shared some coffee and one of the bars. mmmm...

Isaac was mostly pleasant today, but started to fall apart around 7pm. Here are a couple pictures of the little man:


Friday, May 29, 2015

This Kid

He may look cute, but he's been a tough cookie lately. Maybe he's teething or growing or just not feeling great, but whatever it is, it's something and I'm doing my best to figure out how to help him cope. He's still fun and smiley, but just more fussy and needing more sleep. Today he ended up taking more naps than normal, almost by accident on my part. I needed to take a shower and so I put him down (figuring he would just cry (I'm a mean Mom sometimes)) and he fell asleep! It was well timed and worked, it was just the times when he was awake. He just needed more interaction and holding today. Then again, I wasn't feeling fantastic either today, so maybe it's a little of both of us.

Later in the day I hurried to see my nieces (Suzannah, Charlotte, and Elizabeth) recite their poems for a poetry reading at their school. Isaac woke up a little late and we got stuck in traffic and ended up missing it. :( It was still fun to see them (as always) and Suzannah got to hold her little cousin. :) They are so cute.

To end on a positive note- Isaac and I went for a lovely walk and I gave him some naked time outside in San Luis's amazing weather. Of course, he loved it.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Isaac Weekly Update: Week 24

Yesterday Isaac turned 25 weeks. I usually refer to Isaac's age in months, but for the sake of my journaling, I try to write every week since babies change so much just in a matter of days! I actually started journaling weekly when I was pregnant and decided to continue it once Isaac was born. I'm glad I have because so much has happened in just 5 months that I already forget little things and the journaling reminds me of those fun beginnings. Without further ado, here's Ike's weekly update, now shared with you!

Week 24 (5/19-5/25)

Yesterday Isaac started off his 25th week with two shots (DTaP and Hib) and the rotavirus vaccination which is oral. Even though we woke him up from his nap to get them, he did great. Only a few tears that quickly vanished when Jake picked him up.  

Isaac's favorite sounds this week have been growling or roaring. It's pretty cute. 


We traveled to Hidden Villa on the 24th and he did great. Slept mostly in the car and fussed some during our luncheon, but fell asleep when I bounced him and held his pacifier in his mouth. He’s been enjoying the pacifier more again. He’s also starting to suck his thumb again. Funny how these things disappear and then come back later! (He hasn't liked the pacifier since he was 6 weeks old and he hasn't sucked his thumb since 10 weeks).

Naps? yeah, still trying to figure out that one. I guess the best way to put our parenting technique with napping is that we simply “go with it.” I can pretty much count on a morning nap, but then it's more varied whether he will nap in the middle of the day. Eating remains on a somewhat fixed schedule (he eats every 2 1/2 to 3 hours). Back in the day he used to nap one hour before he ate and that’s the cycle we were on. Now there are days when he hardly sleeps all afternoon, but then that’s usually met with a rough evening nap before bed. So yeah, still figuring out his naps. He sleeps well at night- wakes up usually for one early morning feed at about 5 or 6am and then we get up at 8:30.

He’s getting better at grabbing things and holding on. He loves water bottles and is mesmerized every time I take a drink. He also likes his red ant and as Jake says, “his favorite color is bright.”

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Family Luncheon

Today my family all met up at Hidden Villa for a luncheon that my Mom had bought a few years ago at a silent auction. It was a special time for a few reasons, one being that it was the first time Jake had been there. Hidden Villa is located in Los Altos Hills and not only was it the residence of my great grandparents, but it was also where I was born. I was born at home and my parents buried my placenta under a tree, so we often joke about "my tree." Today the ranch hosts many programs, all either begun or inspired by my great grandparents, Josephine and Frank Duveneck. So to say that I love and am very proud of the place is an understatement. It was a beautiful day and a wonderful time hanging out with family.

It was also my sister, Ashlie's, 6th anniversary- HAPPY ANNIVERSARY ASHLIE AND ADAM! After the luncheon we went for a hike and then headed to Ashlie and Adam's for some early dinner. It was a lovely time and even though the driving to and from San Jose made it a long day, it was still lots of fun.

I also asked Kate to take a couple pictures of me breastfeeding, since it is one of the things I do most these days! She did an excellent job and got a few pictures of our young family.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Romans 15:13

Randomly read this verse today and thought I would share it because of all the goodness that's packed into it:

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. (ESV)

because the Amplified Bible is one of my favorites, here is the verse is in that version:

May the God of your hope so fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound and be overflowing (bubbling over) with hope. (AMP)

You could easily spend at least one whole study on that verse.

I personally love hope. It's one of my favorite verbs in Christianity. I heard a sermon once stating that hope is something we get to experience on earth, since in heaven we will have everything we ever hoped for, particularly getting to see the face of Christ! Even if you're not as crazy about hope as I am, check out the other part of this verse- "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace..." Who wouldn't want to be filled with "all joy and peace"? Thanks God. good stuff.


AND a picture of Isaac...

Friday, May 22, 2015


There are two main shows that I watch when breastfeeding Isaac: The Big Bang Theory and Barefoot Contessa. Lately I have been watching more of Barefoot Contessa, starring Ina Garten. I think of her as my rich, down to earth, chef friend. I love cooking and she gives me lots of inspiration. Tonight I wanted to make something a little special since Jake was coming home, so I decided to take on Saffron Risotto with Butternut Squash. It seemed like a great idea until I looked closer at the recipe and realized it was an "intermediate" dish that requires more watching and guesswork than I'm use to. But low and behold- SUCCESS!!! I served it with roasted asparagus, tomatoes and pine nuts (Tuscan-Style Roasted Asparagus), and a caesar salad (had to have one normal thing). It was all very yummy and Jake was pleased (he's always thankful for my cooking). I really like to figure out meals, so it's fun when one comes together.

Isaac was melting (tired, crying) during dinner, so he hung out in his room. During dessert (Moose Tracks!) Isaac joined us at the table and chewed on his goggles and pacifier. He loves his pacifier, but not for "pacifying." He simply loves to chew on it. He has been a little fussier lately and I'm thinking his top two teeth may make an appearance soon.

A couple more pictures of Isaac from today. He's enjoying his ant in the first picture and checking out the trees in the second.

Thursday, May 21, 2015


Last week I FINALLY finished my Bachelor's in Science of Nursing (BSN). I have always wanted to blog and I told myself that once I finished my final paper I could start. So here I am. My blogging inspiration really comes from my sister-in-law, Kate, who is a fantastic blogger, especially when it comes to her family. I am hoping that this blog will not only be an outlet for me, but more importantly, a way for Isaac's extended family to watch him grow. I will write again soon with a more informative post, but for now I will leave you with a recent picture of my pride and joy.